Monday, March 17, 2014

A New Meaning for “A Twinkle in the Eye”

            This is a picture of the latest trend in jewelry… platinum shapes that can be surgically inserted into eyeballs. Apparently, this $3,000 cosmetic surgery has been done hundreds of times in Europe and L.A., but a woman named Lucy Luckayanko had the surgery in November, and became first person in NYC to have the operation done. According to an article from the Huffington Post, Luckayanko said that she had the surgery so that she could have something to “tell people” and so that she could feel “unique.”  How pathetic that a person would think so little of herself (or be so vacuous) that their most outstanding personal quality is a platinum eyeball implant! To me, this seems like a pretty stupid reason to get a potentially dangerous surgery that has not yet been cleared by the The American Academy of Ophthalmology or the FDA.

According to the article, this new fashion trend poses a significant health threat. For example, the author states that the surgery could potentially lead to “infection or bleeding that could cause blinding”. And those are just two of the concerns that were listed. To me, the dangers involved outweigh the want for more bling, and I think the fact that people are actually doing this says a lot about our values. We have become obsessed with looking “cool” and keeping up with the latest trends, even if they put our health in jeopardy. What could be more critical to the quality of life than vision? We have become obsessed with material things and looking for new status symbols to show off our wealth and to prove that we are “hip”.

I know that most of you are probably thinking that this surgery is ridiculous, right? I agree. But I would encourage you all to think about the idea of getting a tattoo, or getting a piercing. These are things that seem normal to us nowadays, but I am sure that when these things first became popular, they were thought of as ridiculous as well. Perhaps eye jewelry will become a common element of body décor in the future.

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